The appointment of the present acting director general of the Nigeria Civil Aviation Authority (NCAA), Captain Chris Najomo has continued to generate widespread praises, considering the sterling performance his management has recorded in his eight months in office.
Early 2024, when the Minister of Aviation and aerospace development, Festus Keyamo changed the leaderships of all agencies, his appointment of Najomo as the acting DG of NCAA in particular was well applauded by key players across the sector for the obvious reasons ranging from his background position as a core professional who before the appointment had successfully held different positions in the
regulatory/administrative dynamics of the NCAA.
The impressive performance of the Najomo led management in the regulatory agency as attested to by Comrade Akanbi Adimula, Spokesman for African Aviation Renaissance Group (AARG), has been traced to the glaring evidence of how the ability of Najomo to actively collaborate with the minister to implement the latter 5-point agenda, and his been able to transform the workplace climate at the regulatory authority through enhanced collaboration amongst the management team, as well as between the workers body and top management.
Eight months down the line, Najomo’s appointment according to Adimula, though on an acting capacity have turned out to be the much needed elixir and healing balm which the NCAA and Nigeria Civil Aviation have been waiting for after the not-too impressive industrial showing of the last administration.
Today, Nigerians and those who should know are boldly pointing to the numerous positive innovations that have brought about great improvements and have renewed the hopes of industry stakeholders and workers alike in the sector.
Today at NCAA, administration flows seamlessly; with reduced stress, improved employee retention and greater commitment of the staff to their regulatory oversight responsibilities.
Workers Welfare:
Under the present Najomo led management, workers welfare have been given priority as witnessed in the payment of the backlog of housing (rent) arrears to all staff that had accumulated from 2019.
The Minister accepted the recommendation of the Acting DG and approved an inter-directorate deployment to open up bottlenecks in the structure, and subsequent promotion of stagnated staff from GL.14 to GL.15. These staff have been stagnated on same career position for between 5 and 10 years without promotion.
Najomo was able to successfully re-organized and populated the newly-created directorates for efficiency Tackling payment of huge backlog of relocation allowance due to staff consequent upon the movement of the NCAA headquarters from Lagos to Abuja by the Federal government.
His open-door policy and regular engagement (both formally and informally) with the NCAA unions has engendered the peaceful atmosphere and stability in the workforce.
Worthy of mention is Najomo’s ability to work with the National Assembly Committees on aviation and the ministry which has been responsible for the early approval of the 2024 Training Budget.
Having conducted Induction plus Retreat for Top Management of NCAA in February, 2024, the Acting DG signed a performance bond with each director at the end of the retreat, thus, setting the stage for the achievement of the DGCA’S performance target for the year 2024, which also is in line with the Hon. Minister’s 5-point agenda.
The Institutionalization of the meritorious service recognition for deserving staff which commenced with 3 staff recognized in the Port Harcourt Regional Office in February, 2024, is innovation that has led to improved dedication and greater productivity of the staff.
Inauguration of committees to review the NCAA Scheme of Service and Staff Conditions of Service as part of improved staff welfare is an ongoing process that is almost completed which will be immediately approved by the Acting DG.
Under Najomo, while the NCAA is collaborating with industry stakeholders, having forwarded the draft SSP plan to them for stakeholder input prior to the final sign-off by him, key safety performance targets is expected to be set by the regulator just as an Acceptable Level of Safety Performance (ALoSP) will be defined for Nigeria.
For the first time, the NCAA helmsman created a Project Monitoring and Contract Evaluation Unit (PMCEU) to ensure probity and transparency in the execution of NCAA’s projects.
Creation of the Quality Assurance department to promote compliance with technical and non-technical policies and procedures within the NCAA has taken place with a
committee already inaugurated by Najomo to draft the Authority’s first Quality Assurance document. Setting up of the Flight Incidents Data Centre in collaboration with APS.
This initiative aims at tackling the dearth of credible data for decision making and proper planning will address the hitherto challenges that has plagued the civil aviation industry for years.
The Data Centre has been slated for formal commissioning by the Minister of Aviation.On the issue of high air fares charged by foreign airlines, NCAA engaged with foreign airlines in February, 2024, Ag. DGCA inaugurated a committee comprising officials from NCAA, FCCPC and NANTA in March, 2024.
These engagements, and others actions by the FGN, resulted in foreign airlines unblocking their lower inventory fares and made cheaper fares available for Nigerians.Najomo worked assiduously with his principal; the Hon. Minister’s buoyed by the commitment of His Excellency Mr. President to secure the commencement of Air Peace the Lagos-London operations, Nigerians have since been enjoying this service and underground work continues to secure the airlines entry into other routes in UK and the USA.
A complete re-evaluation of all holders of Permit for Non-Commercial Flight (PNCF) ordered by Najomo is currently on-going to ensure such holders are adhering to the terms and conditions of their permits.
This has been aggressively supported by Keyamo to ensure fair practice and accountability among operators. Creation of a dedicated unit for the Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems (RPAS) to drive the growth of the Drone/Remotely Piloted Aircraft (RPAS) industry in Nigeria has equally received attention from Najomo.
This has liberalized and simplified for Nigerians, the registration and usage of the UAVs . Instituted a simplified certification process as a derivative of the ease-of-doing business policy of the Najomo administration.
As the gate-keeper of the sector, Service providers who satisfy requirements are certificated appropriately, while those who do not meet requirements are formally excluded from the sector.
In view of the above, five applicants have obtained Air Operator Certificate (AOC) under the Najomo administration so far! Reduction of the total time for certifications, aircraft registrations and provision of technical services.
List of certified Heliports are now published on NCAA website and the system has been set up to keep it updated.
Digitization of the regulatory authority processes through the deployment of EMPIC-EAP as the regulatory software for selected modules.
Training for super-users have been done in April, 2024 and the system has commenced operation in phases. This has placed the Nigeria CAA at par with its counterpart in the advanced world.
Signing of a revised Advisory Circular on IDERA and De-Registration of Aircraft under an IDERA. This is historic to support the Aviation Minister efforts at growing operational capacity through dry lease. Good times are here for operators who can easily acquire aircrafts and for Nigerians who can now enjoy competitiveness in air travel, with attendant cost reduction through the forces of demand and supply.Nigeria successfully underwent ICAO Universal Security Audit Programme (USAP) – Continuous Monitoring Approach (CMA) of Nigeria’s civil aviation security system in March, 2024.
The Nigeria had no Significant Security Concern (SSeC) is a tacit vote of confidence which the international civil aviation Agency ICAO passed on Nigeria aviation.
All Aviation Security (AVSEC) national documents such as NCASP, NCASTP, NCASCP, NCASQCP and NCP have been reviewed and approved in accordance with ICAO Annex 17 requirements.CONSUMER PROTECTION INITIATIVESPrompt resolution of customer issues.
Other areas the Najomo management has transformed the agency is in the area of rebranding of the Consumer Protection Department for public awareness and effective service delivery, prompt ticket refunds and payment of compensation for flight disruptions or baggage issues.
Ensuring better passenger experience for Nigerian passport holders by foreign airlines.
Deployment of the CPD portal recently unveiled by the Aviation Minister thereby revolutionizing the implementation of the requirements of the Nigeria Civil Aviation Regulation law in Nigeria (NCAR) with the launch of Uniforms for easy identification and visibility of consumer protection officers deployed to all Nigerian airports is another feat achieved.
Automation of the complaint initiation, tracking and resolution/closure process and launch of QR Code for ease of complaint resolution has also been commended.
No doubt Najomo has enjoyed unparalleled support from the Minister of Aviation, as well as cooperation of the various heads of sister aviation agencies, what cannot be denied is the fact that the Federal government has gotten it right in aviation, by appointing a man who is hugely committed to make a difference in the assignment given to him.
How Chris Najomo Is Greatly Transforming NCAA